Tag Archives: concrete jungle


Much has been discussed about the peculiar cosmogonic beliefs of the native Ringdijkers. Our own Department of Indigenous Mythology has no option but to issue a theory about this archaeological mystery and be right about it. Hear the Director of or Department of Indigenous Mythology speaking:

“The Ringdijkers, isolated by the same canal that has fertilized his civilisation since time immemorial, tend to process new knowledge with some grade of distortion. This is important to keep in mind if we are to elaborate a satisfactory hypothesis about how the Ringdijkers have developed their own creation myths about a Monkey-Demiurge. As the legend goes, the Monkey-Demiurge (or ‘de appengod’ in the original Amsterdammian) dips his pipe in the Primeval Soapy Water and blows new planets. It is clearly the product of an incomplete understanding of Darwinian theory.”

At this point our Master Builder invites himself to the discussion and adds in his characteristically unrequited manner: “However” -says the Master Builder while wielding his compass- “attention must be drawn to the architectural sophistication of the Ringdijkers. Notice how the chamfered corner makes an elegant frame for the sacred figure, and how the polychromatic quoins enhance the composition. And, come on, is a monkey blowing planets. I mean, like, come on.”DSC00008